Thursday, May 16, 2013

Lesson 7: Deviance and Conformity

Pitbulls are sometimes bred to fight. This is usually considered a deviant thing to do because most people do not approve of this.

Police are part of the criminal justice system because they help enforce the laws that try to keep deviance to a minimum.

Even little things can sometimes be seen as deviant. Gauging ones ears used to be considered more deviant than it is today. This is a picture of earrings for someone with gauged ears. This also shows that what is considered deviant can often changes over time.
Grafitti is usually considred a deviant act. Peopple who grafitti would also fall under the catagory of a sub-culture.
Instead of conforming, some people decide they want to shun societies values and expectations. These people are known as retreatists as they don't have the same goals or means as the rest of society.
Most people conform most of the time. This picture shows people graduating from high school. They are conforming to what society expects of them and going to school.

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